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Soil Health Tip Tuesday: Testing, Testing!

Sarah Koth

Before amending your soil with fertilizers or lime, test it. Soil tests can teach us about the pH levels, level of organic matter, and nutrient levels. By testing the soil, you can better gauge what types and amounts of nutrients it needs. This can help save you time, money, and effort while also preventing runoff of excess or unnecessary nutrients.

Photo by Lydia Fitzgerald

Lydia Fitzgerald used the instrument pictured, a soil probe, to take a sample of soil on her farm in Virginia.

Virginia Cooperative Extension offers tools and resources on how to test the soil in your backyard garden and on your farm. See below to get started.

Dig In (But Minimize Disturbance!)

How to Interpret a Soils Test| A Taste of Farming Series | Virginia Beginning Farmer and Rancher Coalition Program

Soil Preparation | Virginia Cooperative Extension

Soil Tests | Master Gardeners of Northern Virginia

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